The Octopus (2023)
Lecture Performance
In his lecture performance, Fabian Cohn deals with octopuses. Performatively, speculatively and philosophically, he puts himself on the same level as the mysterious animal. How might it feel to be an octopus? And aren't octopuses perhaps the smarter people in the end?
Performance: Fabian Cohn
Choreography: Fabian Cohn und Dominika Cohn / YET Company
Dramaturgy: Dominika Cohn, Heike Bröckerhoff
Music: Christian Grothe, Davaajargal Tsaschikher
Shown at Braunschweiger Kulturnacht 2023.
Ceci n'est pas un geste (2015)
Lecture Performance
A lecture performance on the topic of gestures in interpersonal communication
Choreography und Performance: Dominika Cohn und Fabian Cohn
Shown at Rathaus Schöneberg, Berlin
how t(w)o (2011/2012)
A dynamic dance performance that deals with appearance and reality in a relationship between two people. Absurd, grotesque and yet subtle, the piece meanders through different facets of the two-person constellation: power games, resignation, manipulation, fear of loss - as well as a fleeting moment of searching and tender rapprochement. At the end, the performers surprisingly turn the tables and quickly turn the stage into the audience and themselves into the viewers.
Choreography und Dance: Fabian Cohn und Dominika Willinek
Music Composition: Heiko Tubbesing
Production: YET Company
Shown amongst others at Tanzfestival InciDanse in Fribourg (CH), at 11th Schöneberger Tanznacht, Berlin, at Arena Festival, Erlangen and at Festival 100°, Berlin
On People and Power (2011)
A 20-minute choreography that humorously and playfully processes power games and status struggles between people into a flowing stage action. Four very different performers become bizarre stage characters who become entangled in constantly changing power constellations. The starting point for the research was working with children's games.
Choreography: Dominika Cohn
Dance: Fabian Cohn, Susanne Mayer, Anja Kolmanics, Asayo Hisai
Music Composition: Heiko Tubbesing
Production: YET Company
Funded by Dezentrale Kulturarbeit des Bezirks Tempelhof-Schöneberg zu Berlin im Förderjahr 2011.
Bewegte Stille (2010)
The dream of the lightness of being
Choreography and Performance: Dominika Willinek und Fabian Cohn
Piano: Scott Curry
Production: YET Company
Funded by Bezirksamt Neukölln, Berlin.
Shown at Rathaus Schöneberg, Berlin and as „Highlight“ at Festival 48-h Neukölln. Resumption 2011 with shows in Basel and Aachen