Imprint / Data protection


YET Company
Dominika Cohn & Fabian Cohn
Rankestraße 23
D – 38102 Braunschweig
Tel. +49 (0)151 206 44475

All photographs used on the website of YET Company are protected by copyright and are subject to the copyright of Ole Schwarz, Marc Stantien, Stéphane Schmutz (photos from "essence"), Fabian and William Cohn, Dominika Cohn and Sulamith Sallmann.

The website of YET Company is regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, the information may have changed and may prove to be incorrect. We therefore cannot accept any liability or guarantee that the information provided is up-to-date, correct and complete. The same applies to all other websites referred to via hyperlink. We accept no liability for the content of the websites accessed via such a link.

Data protection declaration

YET Company website is regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, the information may have changed and may prove to be incorrect. We therefore cannot accept any liability or guarantee that the information provided is up-to-date, correct and complete. The same applies to all other websites referred to via hyperlink. We accept no liability for the content of the websites accessed via such a link.

Datenschutzerkläung yetcompanycom.pdf