A dance production by YET Company in cooperation with LOT-Theater Braunschweig

Seven dancers and two percussionists transform the public square into a stage: In the dance production KREISEN they are constantly exploring new circular constellations. Together they are searching for a fragile harmony that, significantly, does not require physical contact. The circling represents dealing with constant change and the longing for connection and harmony.

Choreography: Fabian Cohn
Dance: Alice Baccile, Jonathan Bringert, Charlotte Brohmeyer, Leo Gnatzy, Miriam Kaya, Leticia Taguchi, Vincent Wodrich
Music: Moritz Wappler, Johan Ruschepaul
Costume: Katharina Korb
Dramaturgy: Dominika Cohn
Choreographic Assistance: Marco Barbieri
Production Assistant: Ricarda Köstner


Shows 2021
Magnikirchplatz, Braunschweig
Opernplatz Hannover
Marktplatz Hildesheim
Schlossplatz Oldenburg