
A dance piece about the beauty and fragility of liveliness

The short piece “essence” subtly distills an essence of life and liveliness and searches for poetry in motion.

"Rarely are the beauty and fragility of life more vivid."

Andreas Berger, Neue Braunschweiger

Choreography: Fabian Cohn
Performance: Joshua Haines
Production: YET Company



2016: LOT Theater Braunschweig (D)
(Uraufführung innerhalb der Veranstaltung „A WHOLE LOT OF DANCE“ – 1. Internatonaler Tanzabend für aufstrebende Choreographen Braunschweig 2016)

2017: Tanzfestivals InciDance im Nouveau Monde in Fribourg (CH)

Press comment on “essence”

[…] And the climax of body control and expressive intensity is the solo “Essence” designed by Fabian Cohn, which Joshua Haines really performs like the essence of life. Crouched in creaturely nakedness, he develops a humanization of gripping power in slow motion.

It is fascinating to watch how he holds one leg in the air for minutes while other muscles come to life, how he almost seems to float on the black, reflective floor and later grows into Homo erectus. Seldom are the beauty and fragility of life more vivid. […]

Excerpt from the article by Andreas Berger on the event “A WHOLE LOT OF DANCE” – 1st International Dance Evening for Aspiring Choreographers Braunschweig 2016, published in the Braunschweiger Zeitung on December 7, 2016